Why You Should Consider Cellular Therapy for Chronic Pain

Dr. Christie Lehman | 05/11/2024

Are you tired of chronic pain controlling your life? Learn how cellular therapy can help with long-lasting relief. Schedule your consultation today.


What Can Cause Knee Osteoarthritis to Progress Over Time?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 04/21/2024

Learn about factors contributing to knee osteoarthritis and how PRP therapy can provide relief. Call now to explore your options and regain mobility.


What Are the Risk Factors for Developing Rotator Cuff-Related Shoulder Pain?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 03/08/2024

Discover the causes of shoulder pain and who is at risk for a rotator cuff injury. Learn about regenerative treatment options like Regenexx® today.


What Are the Benefits of Platelet Lysate for Pain Management?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 02/09/2024

Explore a promising alternative for spine and back pain in Asheville. Learn the benefits of platelet lysate, a safe and effective treatment option.


What Kind of Conditions Can Be Treated with Cellular Therapy?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 01/08/2024

The benefits of cellular therapy contribute to an improved quality of life for patients suffering from various orthopedic conditions, like back pain.


What Do Knee Ligament Injuries Feel Like?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 12/04/2023

Knee ligaments serve distinct functions, providing stability and mobility, but the nature and symptoms of knee ligament tears can vary significantly.


How Can I Manage and Relieve Shoulder Tendonitis Without Surgery?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 11/02/2023

Nonsurgical options like Regenexx® therapy are available to help manage and relieve shoulder tendonitis without the need for surgery.


The Advantages of PRP Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Dr. Christie Lehman | 10/09/2023

Find out how platelet-rich plasma therapy can offer relief from lower back pain in Asheville, NC.


PRP Therapy Can Help Relieve Joint Pain

Dr. Christie Lehman | 09/09/2023

Enriched with growth factors, platelet-rich plasma therapy can reduce pain and swelling, helping to relieve chronic joint pain.


Three Types of Chronic Pain Relieved With Regenexx®

Dr. Christie Lehman | 08/28/2023

Advancements in medicine and innovative solutions like Regenexx and PRP therapy are emerging as effective treatments for chronic pain.


How Can Osteoarthritis Be Improved Without Surgery?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 07/14/2023

Embrace the opportunity to manage symptoms and stimulate your body's natural abilities to improve function and reduce discomfort without surgery.


PRP is your best bet for mild to moderate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Dr. Christie Lehman | 07/07/2023

PRP has demonstrated superior treatment response for mild to moderate Carpal Tun


Can Regenexx treatments postpone Osteoarthritis progression?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 06/27/2023

Published studies demonstrate that PRP and Bone Marrow derived stem cell treatments can can postpone the progression of osteoarthritis.


What makes Regenexx procedures different?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 06/13/2023

Regenexx procedures utilize proprietary technology and research-backed approach.


How to Tell if Your Shoulder Pain May be the Result of an Overuse Injury

Dr. Christie Lehman | 06/09/2023

Shoulder pain should not interfere with your life. See if your discomfort is caused by an overuse injury and how we help people reduce their pain.


Why are Regenexx Physicians Different?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 05/30/2023

Experienced specialists in the field of interventional orthopedics.


Shock wave therapy for musculoskeletal regenerative medicine

Dr. Christie Lehman | 05/30/2023

Shockwave therapy (ESWT) can lead to tissue regeneration and significant allevia


What Are the Signs of a Ligament Injury?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 05/11/2023

A ligament injury in the knee joint can be debilitating. Learn how cellular therapy and platelet-rich plasma may provide long-lasting relief.


How Long Can PRP Therapy Take to Improve Damaged Tissue?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 04/22/2023

Learn how PRP therapy provides a natural way to improve tissue damage and reduce chronic pain.


Can Cellular Therapy Help Reduce Joint Pain?

Dr. Christie Lehman | 03/14/2023

Joint pain and discomfort can interfere with your day-to-day life. Read about cellular therapy and how regenerative medicine can manage this issue.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.